MY FABULOUS FLAT undertakes to comply with all laws concerning the establishment and activity of a website. The publisher draws the attention of users of the site https://www.myfabulousflat.com to the points defined below.
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MY FABULOUS FLAT reserves the right to modify these general conditions of use at any time. These modifications are enforceable as soon as they are put online.
The latest version of the general conditions of use is available on this site.
By using this site, you certify having read the legal notices and the general conditions of use (T & Cs) and you agree to respect them.
Conditions of access and use
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This site is an information site, it is free except for costs invoiced directly by the operators, it is subject to French law.
The site is normally accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
However, My Fabulous Flat is entitled, at any time, and without notice, to suspend, interrupt or remove access to all or part of the site, in particular for IT problems, technical difficulties, maintenance or any force majeure.
My Fabulous Flat does not guarantee that the information communicated on the site will be exhaustive and up to date at all times.
The secrecy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the Internet and it is up to each user to take the necessary measures to protect his own data.
Personal data
My Fabulous Flat collects personal data concerning users in the context of the use of the site and its services.
All the information relating to the processing of users' personal data and the rights they have are detailed in the privacy policy available on the site here !
Information provided and hypertext links
Information made available on the MY FABULOUS FLAT site by hypertext links to other sites or by companies external to the MY FABULOUS FLAT company is not under its responsibility. It is up to the user to use this information with discretion. The responsibility of the company MY FABULOUS FLAT can not be engaged as for the information formulated by these thirds.
Any hypertext link to the MY FABULOUS FLAT site must be authorized by the publisher of the MY FABULOUS FLAT company.
Intellectual property
All the data, including the logos and photos appearing on the pages of this site, together constitute a work protected by the laws in force on intellectual property, of which the company MY FABULOUS FLAT or its partners are the exclusive owners.
No reproduction, distribution and / or representation, in whole or in part, may be made without the prior written consent of MY FABULOUS FLAT.
The name MY FABULOUS FLAT, the MY FABULOUS FLAT logo are, unless otherwise specified, trademarks registered by MY FABULOUS FLAT. Any use, reproduction and / or modification that would be made without the prior written consent of MY FABULOUS FLAT would be liable to constitute an infringement.
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The general structure of the site, drawings, photographs, images, texts, animated sequences with or without sound and other documentations represented on this site are subject to industrial and / or intellectual property rights and are, depending on the case, the property of MY FABULOUS FLAT or third parties who have given MY FABULOUS FLAT limited authorization to use them.
As such, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and / or modification, partial or complete, or transfer to another site is prohibited.
Their reproduction, partial or complete, without the prior written consent of MY FABULOUS FLAT is strictly prohibited, with the exception of that carried out for the needs of the press.
Any representation and / or reproduction and / or partial or total exploitation of this site, by any means whatsoever, without the express prior authorization of the company is prohibited and would constitute an infringement within the meaning of articles L 335-2 and following. of the Intellectual Property Code.
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Guarantees and responsibilities / Information on our partners
The transfer of announcements is computerized. They are provided exclusively for information and for personal use only. They are likely to be modified or deleted by the company MY FABULOUS FLAT without prior notice.
While the MY FABULOUS FLAT company strives to ensure to the best of its ability the accuracy and updating of the information published on its site, it does not claim to certify their total reliability and timeliness. The company MY FABULOUS FLAT, can not be held responsible for advertisements whose content would be contrary to the legislation in force and more generally for all the damages, whatever the origins, the causes, and the consequences, related access to the site and its use.
Downloading or copying information from the MY FABULOUS FLAT site does not confer any rights on the user. The reproduction, transmission, modification, use with or without creation of links, for public or commercial purposes of this information is prohibited, except with the express authorization of the company MY FABULOUS FLAT. The data disseminated on this site are the exclusive property of their respective owners.
Dispute resolution and applicable law
The site is governed by French law without prejudice to the protection enjoyed by the consumer by virtue of the provisions which cannot be derogated from by agreement under the law of his habitual residence.
Any dispute relating to this site will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Créteil, with the exception of disputes concerning non-traders and for which the legal rules of attribution of jurisdiction apply.