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What are the benefits of using a property hunter?

pourquoi prendre un chasseur d'appartement ?

To answer this question before anything else, we have to know if you are aware of the difference between an agency and a hunter.

A classic real estate agency has apartments in « stock » to suggest to you, a hunter has not one, or a little.

You must not imagine either that a real estate agency is going to look out a property for you this is not its profession. The agency is going to contact you if a property – that fulfills your criterias – enter the portfolio and if your profile and your financing seems sure.

Indeed, it is a non-negligible point to consider because number of sales are broken because of a loan refusal.

A property hunter has a network that allows you to obtain properties off the market (estimate to 20% of the market). The most beautiful properties are obviously sold first.

You will not have the occasion to see them on the market.

A property hunter makes you save time because he is devoted to the research et knows – maybe better than you – what you are looking for because he knows the market and a lot of district areas.

His expertise is, in first place to know you, you and your project, to only suggest you properties that match a maximum to your criterias. The joy!

A good hunter is reactive… It means that he will always try to be always the first to visit. By sending you directly photos and videos to the office to allow you to, if required, to make an offer immediately and make a follow up inspection quickly.

A real estate hunter is a searching professional… He knows every tip to support your wishes to agencies, to make you save money at the notary or to help you for your financing.

And finally, there is no risk to engage one because he is paid only in case of success, that means only if he finds your property.

Your interests are linked.




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